Nov 25, 2017 | atomae | 1204 views
Wow. Just, wow.
The team set up at Nick's No Frills and Sobeys for a food drive in support of the Paris Food Bank at Cedarview Church.
The picture says it all. The good people of Paris stepped up and supported us in a big way. To the tune of about 680kg of food, cleaning supplies and toiletries.
I can't say enough about the way the players handed themselves. They were polite, and very well behaved.
Special thanks to Nick's No Frills and Sobeys for allowing us to ask their customers for donations. Sobeys had even put together bags that were pre-packaged with items from our list.
Thanks to the parents that helped keep the players in line, and did some shopping when we received money from customers, and to those that helped unload and sort the donations.
Even Mother Nature cooperated, holding off the rain until 15 minutes after we finished unloading.
Thanks everyone.