a poem by coach, News, Bantam Rep, 2015-2016 (Paris Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 19, 2015 | tpelton | 1211 views
a poem by coach
Twa's the night before Christmas, and all through the rink, not a player was stirring, the parents were home having a drink. The hockey socks were hung by the chimney with care, Connor was still up counting his hair. All of the players were suppose to be snug in their bed, even Jake Z, who is a red head.

all the moms looked so nice, the coach wore a cap, o how he wished, they'd all sit on his lap. When out on the lawn I heard a loud noise, I got off my J-low, to see all my boys. And what else to my wondering eye would appear? all of the parents, cam had the beer. and leading the pack was a little old driver, so lively and hip, I knew right away it must be mike kipp. He was the only one sober enough to take charge, coach chris was there, but his drink was too large. Mike called to the players, all by their first name, that's when I realized, we were in the middle of a game. On James, On Ashton, on Kyle and Payton, get your ass's in gear, you've hardly been skatin. Go Dalton, go Preston, go Aiden and Evan, when you boys play hard, the coach is in heaven. Next to go over the boards was Jaedyn and Connor, they play with such pride, they do Paris an honor. Next to go hit the ice was the baddest of the bunch, they all hit so hard it makes a big crunch. Mathew was first then Austin and Peter, who ended the game, with a laser a real heater. The game was now over and Paris had won, Even Jake Z said boy that was fun. The final two boys to really steal the show, were kyle and Jacob, all covered in snow, they stood their ground as the last line of defense, no pucks could get by them, they stood tall like a fence. as the coach left the rink with joy in his heart, he said merry Christmas to all, you've all played your part!

merry Christmas!!!!