Coach Paula celebrates her 25th Birthday at the Sea, News, PeeWee LL1, 2015-2016 (Paris Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 08, 2016 | pmcmahon | 716 views
Coach Paula celebrates her 25th Birthday at the Sea
Coach Paula celebrates her 25th Birthday at the Seaford tournament.

The Paris Peewee LL#1 travelled to Seaford for the final tournament of the season. 

The boys has some great games but at times fell into old habits.  
A great time had by all, lots of swimming and mini sticks in the hall. A great time was had for sure by all the parents (thanks to Dave's drinks). A big huge thanks to Kris M for sponsoring the pizza party on Friday night.
Hats off to this team and their families for raising enough money through the bottle drive to have the last 2 tournaments fully paid for.
What a great group of boys, who by the looks of the smiles and laughs at the hotel had a fun time and some great hockey memories .

Way to go to Seaforth for running the best tournament we've all ever been too; well organized, mini stick area at the rink for players (and siblings), 3 players of the game, timbits for the whole team with penalty free game (which our team had 3) a doctor on site and just really nice people willing to help out and wanting you to enjoy your time in Seaforth!
Ok boys it's now time to put the fire back in our skates for the playoffs.  Let's get our momentum back for Monday night as we take on Hespeler.  Let's go Wolf Pack!!