Dec 05, 2021 | U13 | 326 views
u13 Rep howl in Ft Erie tournament
The Paris rep u13 team battled hard this weekend at the fort Erie tournament coming up short to make it to the semi final. Here's how the weekend played out. First off before we start, the team has been playing without heart and soul captain crunch Evan G. who broke his leg one a dirty play in Langton a month ago, the team sure misses this kid, but being the captain he is, he hasn't missed a game or a practice yet, on crutches. With him in the line up this team is 10 times better. When interviewing his dad, he was quoted as saying, "anyone need a ride to the train station, I'm your man" not only can he take people to the train station he's a hell of a singer. anyway on to the tournament.
Things got started on Friday morning against a very strong Pelham team. The first period went back and forth with the Paris boys skating hard, Eric the barbarian B would get Paris on the score board early in this one. Pelham would tie things up with a minute to go in the first period. The second period would start with a barrage of goals from the Pelham team as they swarmed the Paris net, going up by a score of 3-1, Pelham would add another one early in the third to make it 4-1. Paris then would out play Pelham the rest of the game but just could buy a goal even with multiple breakaways, one being by Jared Bring it on B. he was flying in this contest, no one could catch him. Camden cool cat C would also make an end to end rush going through the entire Pelham team to be robbed by the Pelham goalie. the final in this one was Pelham 4 Paris 1, Pelham would go on to make it to the tournament final that's how strong this team was. A big thanks in this one to Parent Chris S for stepping onto the bench and filling in for coach Paul D who got lost on the way to the arena and never did make the tournament at all. His last known reports have him at the Pen Marvian not sure if he's visiting someone or picking out a room. Next up in the Tournament was league rival twin centre. this one was a battle, twin centre would go up early 2-0 in this contest with Paris fighting back to make the score 2-1 on an awesome goal by team sniper Rowan bar down M. with the goalie pulled and Paris swarming the twin centre net the boys still couldn't find a way to tie things up ending the game on the wrong end of a 2-1 score, when interviewing the coach after this one he said, Either twin centre doesn't win enough or we are really hard to play against cause they celebrate like they won the Stanley cup, not my style but if that's how they do things there karma will play out" and it did when twin centre would go on to get beat by Pelham 6-1 and Fort Erie 7-2. too bad for them eh. anyway Griff never back down N had an amazing game in this one, protecting the goalie all the time and making end to end rushes when the time was right. Next up on the tournament schedule was Port Colborne. the Paris boys would not be going home without a W and they made sure of this skating away with a 4-1. Ty more moves than a rattle snake R was amazing in this one netting two goals and holding on to the puck all by himself on a full 2 minute 5 on 3 penalty kill. Noah the wall C in net made the save of the century part way through this contest with a desperation stick out stop to keep Port Colborne from coming back in the game. The wide ice at this arena made things easy for high flying Jameson Jay Bird A, he was beating defence wide all night. He took a nasty hit from behind but team enforcer Tallen punch em out P came in and cleared house sticking up for his teammates. Defenceman Joe end to end S also made several awesome rushes down the ice, looking like a young Bobby Orr out there. the game was tight until goals from Cam mad dog Stewart jumped on a rebound on a good net drive, followed by an ovechkin like goal from Dawson amazing attitude A from his back . Interviewed after this contest was Dawsons dad, who said, "that's my boy!" Ty R's mom was interviewed after the game but all she could muster was a tear and a picture of the coach giving her son a pat on the head. After the hockey was over the real fun began in the hotel, with the kids playing the game minute to win it in each others room, what a blast these kids had thanks to the parents, when interviewing sancey she said I gave up getting drunk and shopping for this but its worth it. Special team helper Michelle B kept things running so smoothly all the coach had to do is sit back and watch the fun unfold. Parent Joel B gave all the parents and kids a laugh doing his elf on a shelf impression. When interviewing parent Krista C all she could say was what a team so much fun and that's not even the wine talking. The boys would take in a niagara ice dogs game Saturday night and what a fun time that was as well. on Sunday morning the coaching staff woke up to thank you cards under the door from all the kids and coach Pelton still has a tear in his eye, its not just cause he didn't shower all weekend. interviewing coach Kippy all he said was can't talk lump in my throat, but do not give me the hyne lick. Coach Scott G was quoted saying are all hockey parents this amazing? what a team what a group, coach spiker was recorded saying Dalpe who, he would have just said hey you all weekend anyway. Special thanks to team parent Joanne Jazzy N for special gift bags for all the kids waiting for the at the hotel as they checked in. stay tuned for more excitement through out the year.
this article was written by dickie Dunn all rights reserved including grammar.