U13 rep set to rock and roll, News, U13 | Paris Optimist Rep (Pelton, T), U13, 2021-2022 (Paris Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2021-2022 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 12, 2021 | U13 | 721 views
U13 rep set to rock and roll
The Paris U13's completed a grueling week and a half of tryouts and the team is finalized and set to take on all comers. 

There were some tough decision and when interviewing coach Mike K his only response was I don't know, I'm going to the cottage.  This years line up is tough and rugged. patrolling the Blue line will be captain crunch Evan G. this kid is smooth as butter and has a take no prisoners approach on the ice and in life. Along side him will be Griffin N. this kid is so cool at all times the coaching staff has to check for a pulse before each game. Next on defense will be Camden C. this kid plays defense so well you'd think he grew up in Fort Knox. And rounding out the D will be Joseph S. at 6'9 and 110lbs. this kid towers over everyone on the ice. opposing players skate the other way when they see him on the ice. Up front we will start with rookie sensation Jameson A. A as in A plus for effort in games and practices, this kid just made the tryouts in time after finishing first in the world motocross championships. Next up, up front is Tallen the terror P. this kid has more moves then a rattle snake out there, not only is he an excellent hockey player he wears cologne to each game. He says its for the Lady's in the crowd, but when interviewing his mom she said he's not dating till 25. next up is Dawson the danger A. this kid was just released from san Quinton 2 weeks before tryouts, he's so tough and rugged out there the coaching staff is afraid of him in practices. Next up is Andrew fireball G. this kid has all the tools, the smarts the skating the shot! he took a shot so hard it shattered the neighbours windows! When interviewing the neighbour he said  man what a shot.  Also up front will be Jared the Jaguar B. this kid is fearless and pounces on opposing defensemen. When he gets angry his hair catches fire look out! Next up front will be Rowan the rambler M. This kid has moves like Jager out there, he will be leaned on heavily for his offenceive magic. Up front will also be league leading scorer Tyler Tasmanian R. Scouts are already drooling over this kid. The U15 coach said man this kids a player! Now on to a kid who needs no introduction Cameron the killer S. this kid is so tough he eats nails for breakfast. His old man was so tough he lead the federal league playing for the chiefs on a line with the Hanson's in penalty minutes five years in a row.  When we interviewed his dad he said he gets his toughness from his mother and get lost. rounding out the forwards will be Eric the water bug B. Scouts are already comparing this kids play to Patrick Kane!!! hes here there and everywhere on the ice with tons of energy.  between the pipes this year will be non other than Noah nothing gets by me C. this kid is a brick wall i tell ya, most games hes gonna see more rubber than a dead cat on the rest acres road and he's up for the challenge. Moving to the bench staff this year will Be Mike I'm not grumpy K. this guys so serious the only time he smiles is when hes around the kids or in a kayak. Next is Paul D, D as in Dam good coach, this guys put more kids in the nhl then anyone else in paris. next up is Scott G this guys not green when it comes to coaching he knows what hes doing and loves being around the kids, also on the bench will be Chris C, this guy is a straighter shooter, literally folks hes a canadian champion gun shooter. Another huge help this year will be Michelle B, when interviewing the coach on anything his only response has been i don't know ask Michelle. last on the bench is Tyler P, he likes sunsets long walks on the beach and Sancey.  Hold on to your seats folks this year, you'll pay for your full seat at games but only use half of it.
This article was written by sports news writer Dicki Dunn, spell check was not used. 

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