Team Austin challenges Team Liam to on-ice skills competition, News, Bantam LL1, 2015-2016 (Paris Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 15, 2016 | knoseworthy | 926 views
Team Austin challenges Team Liam to on-ice skills competition
Our Bantam LL1 Wolfpack players will showcase their hockey skills, that they have perfected over the season, at our end of season on-ice Skills Competition.

Team captains Austin Koehler and Liam McAlister have pulled names and are preparing their teams by strategically appointing players for each competition to represent their team.

The 5 on-ice skills competitions include:
  1. Fastest skater
  2. Accuracy target shooting
  3. Breakaway challenge
  4. Stick handling
  5. Defence challenge

Representing Team Koehler are the following players: Austin, Evan Shipp, Evan Scott, Spencer and Owen.
Representing Team McAlister are the following players: Liam, Gavin, Jack, Eli and Braden.

Our goalie Ethan Crozier, our 11th player will be a neutral player and will play an important role in the Breakaway Challenge and Defence challenge drills.Stay tuned for the date in March when our Skills competition will take place.

Next playoff game:
Our next playoff game will take place in Tavistock on Saturday, February 20, 2016 at 5pm, the arena address is 1 Adam Street, Tavistock, Ontario.

Let's go Wolfpack!