Feb 27, 2016 | Mark Edmison (HM-ST) | 759 views
We Tried
Want to Thank all the support this season has shown. We have an awesome group of people in our dressing room, Thank you.
Would like to recommend to all my players, take time to thank parents/grandparents/sisters/brothers for everything they have done so you were able to play this great game of ours.
Ended the season with a respectable record, and just couldn't come up with a 'W' in playoffs. The improvement this team has show does not reflect the Playoff run we had, but there is always next year.
We have a Parent/Player skate coming up, and our own skills competition lined up, so lets all make sure we end our 2015 2016 season with positive energy, big smiles and a ton of great memories, I know I am....