REP Tryout Registration and Payment - 2016 (Paris Minor Hockey)

REP Tryout Registration and Payment - 2016

Player Information

Tryout Registration Payment

  • Try out process
    • All players must have registered, paid and acknowledged terms and agreements before 1st skate
    • Players will be guaranteed two (2) skates
    • REP cuts may happen after the second (2nd) skate, but they must happen after the forth (4th) skate
    • If REP try out attendance warrants the continuation to AE try outs, AE cuts may happen after the second (2nd) skate, but they must happen after the forth (4th) skate
    • Players are expected to be at all skates (if a player cannot attend for any reason, the coach MUST be informed prior to skate)  Executive member(s) have the right to review the reason for absence from the try out process
    • Players must try out for REP to qualify for AE teams (the exception to this rule would be if an AE team is added to the association after the REP try outs have begun)
    • A player or parent cannot ask for release from any REP team to AE level (if applicable) without Executive approval
      • In the event you wish to exercise this right you must complete the Release Request
    • If any player or parent requests release from REP without Executive approval, he/she may be removed from REP/AE and placed in Local League for the upcoming season
    • Try outs fees will be set by the Executive; ($50.00) and must be paid prior to the players first (1st) skate
    • No refunds will be issued after the players first (1st) skate
