Picture Day Photography **Update**, News, Rob Johnston Memorial Rep Tournament, 2022-2023 (Paris Minor Hockey)

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Nov 12, 2022 | Jeff Clark | 216 views
Picture Day Photography **Update**
Our tournament photographer received approval a bit late ....  They will be set up today so please visit the booth to view your photos right after each game.

Picture Day Photography will be the official tournament photographer for the 2022 Paris Wolfpack Rob Johnston Memorial Rep Tournament.


Please visit www.GETmyPHOTOS.net to view and purchase the action shots.  Images will be uploaded each night so make sure to check out all the awesome game action!


They have a TOURNAMENT SPECIAL for $40+hst which includes every single photo of your child from the ENTIRE tournament!


Teams can purchase all their game images for $250+hst.




Picture Day Photography

Toll-Free: 855.999.3001 ext. 101

Direct Line: 226.799.1818

SMS: 226.799.1818

Web: www.getmyphotos.net