A Christmas Story, News, U13-Rep | (Optimist Club of Paris), U13, 2022-2023 (Paris Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2022-2023 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 22, 2022 | Brad Scherer | 220 views
A Christmas Story
T'was the night before Christmas, and all through the rink, not a player was stirring, this coach did not drink. The hockey sticks all sat by the equipment with care, in hopes of a rematch to take care of Ayr. 

The Players were nestled all snug in their bed. while visions of the NHL danced in their head. With Sance in her nighty and I in my cap, I just hit the , to take a big crap. When out on the pond there arouse such a clatter, I sprang from the crapper to see what the matter. When what to my wondering eye would I would I see? 15 Hockey players taking a knee. With a little old coach so slow and so sick, I know in that moment it must be coach Kipp. More rabid than a wolfpack he called them by name. On Will, on Christian, on Noah and Dante. Now Tallen, now Andrew, now Eric and Jay. On Jared, on Rowan, on Ty and Spanky. Now Evan, now Fin, now Hayden go win! Skate hard and skate fast, but most of all, lets have a blast. I looked once again and this time I seen, It was coach Jeff, and he was bench pressing coach Green! As I watched all these kids they were just having fun, I then turned to Sancey, who just poured a rum, This team was so great, there was no debate. She winked at me with a tear in her eye, just be the best you can be Ty, give that a try. As they skated out of site, I waved a goodbye, got back into bed and tried not to cry.