Into the final stretch, News, Bantam AE, U15, 2017-2018 (Paris Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 26, 2018 | bantamae | 1000 views
Into the final stretch
With 5 games left in the round robin playoffs the bantam AE team are looking to secure a spot in the top 4 teams to advance to semi final play. Sunday nights game in Simcoe was another close one with Simcoe scoring late in the 3rd for a 1-0 lead and adding an empty netter for

 a 2-0 Paris loss. Hoogy kept us in it for the whole game but the offence wasn't able to capitalize on the scoring chances we had. The recent drought on goals means the team will need to find a way back to putting up some points to have a serious chance at advancing.
We head back to Ingersoll Monday night to turn things around and get a much needed 2 points to help in locking down a playdown spot.