Bantam AE 1st Tourney, News, Bantam AE, U15, 2017-2018 (Paris Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 22, 2017 | bantamae | 691 views
Bantam AE 1st Tourney
After a shaky start Friday the team refocused with a nice hard fought 2-0 win on goals by Ethan R and Cole R in the early game Saturday. Strong, consistent, performances by hoogy has kept this team in games all year and this was another good example of how solid he is between the pipes. 

The Saturday afternoon semi's qualifier pitted Paris vs St Marys but ended up being mute as both teams, due to results from other games, knew that Sunday morning they would be head to head again to determine which team advanced to the final. Paris used this game to look for weakness's to use Sunday and get our players to work on a stronger physical game. Paris scored twice with point shots from Josh Z and Lucas S on a team that had not allowed a goal in the tournament. Paris left the ice with a good sense of what they needed to do to get the win in the semi.
Sundays semi started fast but Paris didn't get the start we had hoped for, they held strong through the 1st ending 0-0. Midway through the 2nd a long shot found a gap on Hoogy to give the lead to home team St Marys. Paris traded chances and created opportunities but couldn't counter the organized St Marys attack and had to settle with a 3-0 loss. We saw a great improvement in effort and attitude which was the primary goal for the coaches this weekend. I expect we go back to our season a stronger more determined team.
Next Game is Wednesday night in Simcoe @ 8:15, Talbot Arena.