Wolfpack’s high scoring game ends in a win for Paris, News, Midget LL2, U18, 2017-2018 (Paris Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 31, 2018 | midget2 | 1119 views
Wolfpack’s high scoring game ends in a win for Paris
This past Sunday at the Brant Sports Complex all three of our LL Midget Wolfpack teams celebrated wins on home ice.  The LL1 team started off earning a win 4-2 over Ingersoll Express, next up was our LL2 team who headed out onto the ice to play against the Tillsonburg Tornadoes 1 which was a close matched game but we pulled off a 5-4 win.  Finally, the LL3 team started their game vs. Port Dover and defeated the Sailors 9-3, completing a perfect night for Paris.

Reviewing the game sheet, before our game, with the Tillsonburg coach he noted that he was missing several players with the flu and two suspended players; fortunately, they were able to call upon two AP players to assist their team.  Back in the dressing room I shared this information with our team knowing that their shortened line up was going to be a bit of an advantage for our team.  In addition, our team was happy to welcome back Calvin who had been sick for the last 3 games.  Although, our captain was still not feeling 100% his performance did not indicate this as he had an excellent return to play and helped our team with four goals.

Hold on to your hats everybody because when Calvin, is on his game, he is a scoring machine and on his game return he earned three goals; unfortunately, one of his goals was waved off by the referees citing they did not see it go in the net.  Our bench had a perfect view of the net and I found myself disputing this call with the officials, saying it was evidently clear that it was in the net; unfortunately, the referees stood by their call.

For some teams this would have upset them and foiled their game but our team took this decision and it fueled their efforts which helped them gain back this and other goals to secure them a win.

In the opening period, our team earned back to back goals in the last two minutes of the period putting us in a good position to start the second period with a two goal lead.  First goal was delivered by Ben W off of passes from Jackson and Wyatt, respectively.  Our second goal came from Calvin with an assist by Campbell.

Our second period was not as lucky as our first period as we could not find any other goals.  However, our team made up for this in the third period when we scored an additional 3 goals to conclude the game with a 5-4 win over the Tornadoes 1.  Congratulations to Fletcher for securing our team’s 3rd goal that was assisted by Calvin and Campbell, our 4th goal was a three way passing goal started off by Ben C to Spencer to Jackson who netted the puck and finally Calvin who earned an unassisted goal to earn our game winning goal.

Excellent team effort!