Wolfpack add a win and a tie to their game standings, News, Midget LL2, U18, 2017-2018 (Paris Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 28, 2018 | midget2 | 690 views
Wolfpack add a win and a tie to their game standings
Our Midget LL2 had a busy schedule over a 7 day period with 4 games and a practice, all of this started off at our Brant Sports Complex when we met up with our Paris Midget LL3 team for a Wednesday night game. Players were set for a rematch against our other hometown team that we last faced, a month to the date, where our rivals were able to claim a 4-1 win against our team. 

Our players, this time around, were full of confidence, talk and wagering on this game with their schoolmates, so much so, that it was palpable in the dressing room which insured that all, but 2 injured players, were lacing up to hit the ice for this highly anticipated game.

Reviewing our available roster, it was exciting for our coaching staff to strategize with a full line up, allowing us to have 3 forward lines and 2 defence lines, including returning Wyatt back to defence.  Blending a little bit of chemistry, mathematics and astrology we drew up player lines over and over until we had lines that we felt entirely confident with.  My notebook was so scratched out it read like a Donald Trump etiquette book; however, it was needed to remember our lines, which would prove to be a good reference when our lines got fuzzy due to injuries, exhaustion and penalties.

As with every game pre-talk our final words of advice came from Rick and that was to take the shots, without which we would have no chances of scoring or winning games.  Our players, on this evening, took this advice strongly and peppered LL3’s goalie in a battery of shots that demonstrated their determination and deserving of a win.

From the time of the puck drop both Wolfpack teams lived up to the acclaim of this game and put on a great show on both benches. Although, our team had a lot of great moments and great chances, including a power play opportunity half way in the first period, the scoreboard’s scoring markers remained blank. 

The second period started off in our team’s favour as Calvin scored the first goal of the game with less than 2.5 minutes remaining in the second period, unassisted.  This lead in the game was a team effort, starting with our defence who were over protective of our goalie and crease.  They were responsible for clearing players from the front of our net, standing in front of shots, which meant standing in front of direct shots to avoid scoring chances.  Abby’s efforts were heard cracking off her shin guards, clearing the puck from our net and sending the puck forward for a quick break out zone play.

On another play Jack’s stick was seen flailing from his hand; however, he refused to step away from the play and continued to work towards clearing the puck from our zone until he was able to retreat to our bench.  Following the play the referee returned Jack’s stick to the bench and he declined our joking offer to be our teams’ 6th skater.

Our forward players were seen working well within their lines, including Fletcher responding well as Calvin’s right hand man by capitalizing on Calvins’ shots with rebounds at the net.  Back checking was a common display amongst our forwards which proved extremely important to ward off goals, including a play by Jackson where he was at the right place at the right time to hit away a puck that was just about sitting on our goal line.  Rushing the defence within our zone proved successful as our players were not only able to block incoming shots but as a result the puck was turned around in our possession.  Spencer earned a breakaway in an exact play like this that would have worked out better if he had not injured his foot from blocking the puck but good effort to get a breakaway and a shot on net.

Beginning the third period for once, in a long time, our team was full of energy, confidence and good naturedness and were eager to find some additional goals.

Our rivals had remained without a goal for the first two periods so they were growing eager for a goal and our team continued to hold them off from scoring until the 11th minute mark in the 3rd period when LL3 made a 3 way play to score and tie up the game.

Ben W recalling my words of advice, on not giving up and not getting down when opponents score on us, rushed his line to the centre face-off circle to restart the game, his perseverance paid off with a goal of his own that was assisted by Campbell.  This goal regained our lead in the game; unfortunately, our team were plagued by two penalties during the mid-point of our game in which for one minute we were down to 3 players on the ice.  I have to commend our players and our goalie for playing well and killing off both penalties without any goals against us during this trial time. 

As we were closing down the final minutes of the game, our team were focusing on a possible win; unfortunately, LL3 with a second 3 way play found the back of our net.  Although, LL3 dashed our hopes of a win, we ended up with a respectful tied game.

The next evening our Wolfpack were on the road for an away game vs the Tornadoes 1 in Tillsonburg, our scheduled 9:30pm game start was further delayed due to the earlier drawn out game and by the time the refs blew the whistle to start the game we were at 9:50pm time mark.  This late game start was going to cause problems for our team as they were tired from the day and missing our captain due to illness was going to take them off their game.  This situation was only compounded when the Tornadoes rolled in with a fast goal within the first minute of the period.  Our players brushed off this goal citing a lucky break on the part of the Tornadoes and regrouped and woke up to reality and returned back to their true team playing. 

At the end of the period, our Wolfpack were only down a goal and were looking to inch back into the game with just a single goal.  Although, great effort by our players to get in the game in the second period we failed to earn any scoring results; unfortunately, Tillsonburg, using their home ice advantage, passed two goals behind our net keeper.

Into the third period, our team got bogged down with three penalties with one penalty costing us a goal against Tillsonburg.  Unfortunately, our team, at this late point of the game, lost a lot of their drive and ended the game offering up a shut-out for the Tornadoes goalie.

Returning back to Paris for a home game against Simcoe Warriors 2 on Sunday night, I braced our team for the worse with this team whom we have had some issues with, in the past.  I urged them to play a clean game but to stay together, safer in numbers.

As the game started it was clear that our rivalry and history with the Warriors were still fresh in the minds for both teams and through the game there were more whistles for penalty calls then stoppage of play calls. 

Despite the penalties interfering with our game, our players persisted to recover and battle hard in the game and worked as a group to push into our opponents zone to make some scoring chances, as did Simcoe.  The first goal of the game came off the stick of a Warrior at the start of the second period and they doubled the score in the closing minutes of this same period.

Entering the third period, our players had their work cut out to them to do catch up and they responded well with a goal in less than 2 minutes of play with a three way goal from Ben C, Owen to Ben W who put it by the Simcoe net minder.  Definitely, the third period was our team’s best showcase of speed, plays, shots and play; unfortunately, our players’ attempts were not deservingly rewarded with any further with goals and we the game ended 3-1 for Simcoe.

Before our next game Fletcher’s dad, Greg offered the team a delicious proposal, if we won against Langton he would personally purchase a pizza dinner for the entire team.  His reason was in good fun, of course, as he has family and friends back in Langton whom he had grown up with so he wanted our team to compete well.

Arriving in Langton our team was going to have a short bench as we were missing four players; fortunately, we had two even forward and defence lines, which makes keeping balanced lines in order.  A big thank you to Ben W for taking the role of centreman, for our absent captain.  He delivered well with setting up his line with passes and offensive plays that resulted in two goals in the game from this line.  Our team overall made some new changes and adapted a dump and chase strategy that clearly worked well for our team.

Our team’s first goal of the night was given to Owen as he tapped the puck into the net with assists by Jack and Ben C, I remarked to Owen’s dad Shawn, on the bench ... see location, location, location and he promptly replied no lucky, lucky, lucky!  This goal returned the score to a 1-1 tie.

The Leafs ended the second period with a second goal to conclude the period with a lead for their team.  However, our team claimed the final period of the game with three goals while shutting down all of Langton’s scoring chances ~ cudos Ethan.  The second goal for our team was earned by Ben C with an assist by Ben W, our third goal of the game was awarded to Fletcher who stormed the net after a shot from Jackson, who earned an assist in the play. 

PIZZA !!! was heard screamed from our bench, I am not embarrassed to admit that it came from my mouth but I was so happy that Fletcher earned, what would become the game winning goal, forcing his dad to make due with his promise of a pizza dinner for the team.  That’s right get out the old cobwebs from your wallet ... Mr. Orkin man because we are making reservations after exam week, lol.

The game had some trial and great moments with many of our players sustaining some hits and consequential bruises the worst was Fletcher getting hit into the boards.  I have to admit this was the first time I ever saw Fletcher looking to retaliate, it’s a good thing several of our players and officials were there to intervene.  Scanning the ice over the game I witnessed Wyatt, Jack, Spencer, Fletcher and Ben W at one time or another slowly pulling themselves up off the ice after a hard shift. 

Looking at Wyatt and Ben W on the bench after some of these shifts I could hardly tell which team they were playing for as their jerseys and equipment were coated white with snow, it was if they were having a snow angels contest on the ice.

Some of the highlights of this game was a shot that Campbell saved, in a goalie stance with his hockey glove, old goalie habits are hard to give up.  Then there was Ethan’s penalty shot that he was faced with after Campbell hauled down a player on a breakaway, Ethan stood strong and accurately followed in the player and stopped dead the puck.

With a last ditch to score and tie up the game the Langton Leafs pulled their goalie; however, with a second teetering on the scoreboard Spencer took a shot at the open net and claim a final insurance goal that even Ayr Farmer’s Mutual would have endorsed.

Great job by all of our players on some great hockey!

Stay tuned as our Wolfpack take to the ice tonight for a 7pm home game vs. Tillsonburg Tornadoes 1.