2023-2024 Lisa Dalpe Memorial LL Tournament U13, Lisa Dalpe Memorial Tournament Sponsored by Brant County Milk Producers, 2023-2024 (Paris Minor Hockey)

2023-2024 Lisa Dalpe Memorial LL Tournament U13
This form has a limit of 12 submissions. At the moment this page loaded, 12 submissions have been submitted. It is possible that not all submissions have been validated at this time, and more openings could become available. However, at this time no more submissions are permitted.


OMHA Sanction Permit #12193
U11 & U13 HL/LL Tournament
Friday January 5th, 2024 thru Sunday January 7th, 2024

Team Information

Coach Information

Manager Information

Emergency Contact Information

Please provide an emergency contact number to allow us to be in continuous contact with your team throughout the tournament weekend:

Payment/Registration Information

A position will not be held until payment is received.  (E-transfer | Cheque)

We do not accept post-dated cheques.  Make cheques payable to: PARIS MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION (PMHA).

If you didn't attach your roster and/or travel permit to application please email a copy to [email protected] when they come available. If you are paying by cheque, please mail to:

Paris Minor Hockey Association
c/o - Jeff Clark
25 Long Lane

Tournament Housekeeping Items

I am aware that Experience Travel is the exclusive travel partner for this year’s Lisa Dalpe Memorial Tournament. One of the criteria for acceptance into our tournament is that any team requiring over-night hotel accommodations must secure through Experience Travel.  I acknowledge that if my team is not complying with this request we may be denied entry into the tournament or acceptance revoked and entry fees returned.

Tournament Misc Acknowledgements

Acceptance of a team entry releases the sponsor, its officials, arena manager, and all connected with the tournament from any liability for injury or accident which may be incurred by a player, team official or parent while attending or participating in the Paris Minor Hockey Association's 2023 Lisa Dalpe Memorial Tournament.

All coaches, managers, teams and club officials hereby agree to abide by all tournament rules, regulations and decisions made by the Tournament Convenor and that all registration information and papers are correct.
I have printed and acknowledge the rules and regulations of the PMHA Lisa Dalpe Memorial Tournament.
This form has a limit of 12 submissions. At the moment this page loaded, 12 submissions have been submitted. It is possible that not all submissions have been validated at this time, and more openings could become available. However, at this time no more submissions are permitted.