Paris Minor Hockey Association
Rob Johnston Memorial Tournament (OMHA Sanction Permit #8436)
Novice, Atom, & Peewee Rep Tournament
Friday November 2nd, 2018 thru Sunday November 4th, 2018
Payment/Registration: (A position will not be confirmed as held until payment is received in full)
- CHEQUE - PMHA does not accept a post-dated cheque for payment of tournament fees
- Completion of the Online Tournament Application is required (link below)
- Please make cheque payable to: PARIS MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION (PMHA)
- Please include a printed copy of the online registration email confirmation with cheque
- Mail - Paris Minor Hockey Association - PO Box 333 - Paris, ON N3L 2G3
- PLAYPAY - (4 ways to pay) **credit card 2.5% convenience fee**
- e-cheque ($0.00 fee; direct from your bank account)
- bank payment ($0.00 fee; online bill payment set up)
- interact e-Transfer ($0.00 fee)
- Credit Card (2.5% convenience fee added to transaction)
- Playpay login registration will be initiated at the completion of the below online tournament application. (instructions below) | If you are paying by cheque, just close window.

Playpay directions:
- playpay.ca Account
- create an account
- Select Organization to Pay
- create/add Paris Minor Hockey Association to list or organizations
- Account information - account number needs to be 13 - 9's e.g. 9999999999999
- Participants name = Association name | Coach Name | Division e.g. Paris | Guy Rathbone | Novice
- Make Payment
- choose from 4 ways to pay (e-cheque, bank payment, interact e-transfer and credit card (2.5% convenience fee added to credit card transactions)
- select organization set up to pay Paris Minor Hockey Association (click NEXT)
- select the correct 'payment reason' eg. 51.Rob Johnston Memorial Tournament (Novice Division) | $850.00
- enter in the payment amount
If you have any further questions please email tournament info.