Equipment Drive - Coming Soon, News, Atom Rep | Pelton Transport, U11, 2018-2019 (Paris Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 03, 2019 | atomrep | 535 views
Equipment Drive - Coming Soon
We are just trying to sort out the date, but we will be joining with a minor hockey team from Mimico and the Rotary Club, to collect used equipment donations, which will be sent to a First Nations community in Northern Canada (Nunavut). 

We are currently leaning towards January 13th (Sunday) after our scheduled practice at the arena to gather equipment donated by local families, and to load the trailer for delivery to the sorting centre.
We'll send out a schedule very soon, and ask for volunteers to be at our table/area.


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